Червилото от Artdeco дарява устните с наситен цвят и прекрасен блестящ завършек. Кремообразната текстура гали кожата и ѝ доставя комфортно усещане. Формулата му е обогатена с екстракт от водна лилия, богат на минерали, които хидратират нежната кожа на устните, като едновременно успокояват напуканите устни. Добавеното масло от ядки от манго има омекотяващи и подхранващи свойства. Включена е още млечна киселина, която нежно ексфолира устните, оставяйки ги меки и гладки. Червилото Artdeco Perfect Color осигурява равномерно и интензивно цветово покритие. ... |
The book is part of the series "Masters of Fairy Tales". ... This deluxe edition gathers together all the finest fairy tales of the unrivalled story-teller, Charles Perrault. The wonderful illustrations will transport young readers into a magical world where they will meet the beautiful Sleeping Beauty, the trusting Little Red Riding Hood, the resourceful Puss in Boots and Ricky of the Tuft, who is endowed with exceptional brains and wit. They will look for the owner of Cinderella’s glass slipper and Donkey Skin’s golden ring, and search for the way home with Little Thumb. The extraordinary adventures of these ... |
Classic Scottish Poems. A glorious anthology of poetry and verse by the greatest classic Scottish poets, introduced by acclaimed poet John Glenday. With poems from famous Scottish writers such as Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Mary Queen of Scots herself, there is plenty here to enjoy and inspire. The collection roams across so many aspects of Scottish life and culture - its landscape and history, its people and celebrations. It is a country that has always inspired poets to write about love, nature and heritage, and to reflect on the important things of life. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a ... |
Contains 30 stories. Get ready for bewitching tales of spells and fairy curses from the world's best-loved storyteller. From locked towers and lucky charms to cunning cats and dragons in need of cough lozenges, there's magic brewing in these enchanting short stories by Enid Blyton! Who will live happily ever after? ... |
Complete and unabridged. ... As well as being one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century and the recipient of the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature, William Butler Yeats (1865 - 1939) is the greatest lyric poet that Ireland has produced. His early work includes the beguiling When You are Old, The Cloths of Heaven and The Lake Isle of Innisfree but, unusually for a poet, Yeats's later works, including Parnell's Funeral, surpass even those of his youth. All are present in this volume, which reproduces the 1933 edition of W. B. Yeats's Collected Poems and also contains an illuminating ... |
The reigning romance queens (PopSugar) and New York Times bestselling authors of The Soulmate Equation present a charming and laugh-out-loud funny novel filled with adventure, treasure, and, of course, love. Growing up the daughter of notorious treasure hunter and absentee father Duke Wilder left Lily without much patience for the profession... or much money in the bank. But Lily is nothing if not resourceful, and now uses Duke's coveted hand-drawn maps to guide tourists on fake treasure hunts through the red rock canyons of Utah. It pays the bills but doesn't leave enough to fulfill her dream of buying back ... |
The unfading popularity of Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) attests not only to the particular appeal of his luxuriant painting but also to the universal themes with which he worked: love, feminine beauty, aging, and death. The son of a goldsmith, Klimt created surfaces of ornate and jewel-like luminosity which show influence of both Egyptian and Japanese art. Through paintings, murals, and friezes, his work is defined by radiant color, fluid lines, floral elements, and mosaic-like patterning. With a number of subjects dealing with sensuality and desire as well as anxiety and despair, all this iridescence is also suffused ... |
The Brothers Grimm rediscovered a host of fairy tales, telling of princes and princesses in their castles, witches in their towers and forests, of giants and dwarfs, of fabulous animals and dark deeds. This selection of their folk tales was made and translated by Lucy Crane, and includes firm favourites such as "Cinderella", "Rapunzel", "The Goose Girl", "Sleeping Beauty", "Hansel and Gretel", and "Snow White". It is illustrated throughout by Walter Crane's charming line drawings. ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... For the past two centuries these delightful stories, gathered together and written down by brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, have entertained and frightened children and adults alike. The lives of "Tom Thumb", "Cinderella", "Rumplestiltskin" and "The Frog Prince" form part of our common heritage: they stimulate the imagination and the heart, and linger at the back of our minds for a lifetime. They are funny, disturbing, wise and compassionate. They speak of joy and terror, happiness and revenge, love and violence. ... |
Следват резултати с по-слабо съвпадение на търсеното: |
За цялостна грижа, при комбинирана и склонна към появата на несъвършенства кожа, използвайте цялата козметична серия Lavera Pure Beauty. ... Специалистите от Lavera са разработили 3 в 1 измиващ гел, скраб и маска. Той е предназначен за употреба при комбинирана и проблемна кожа. Използван като гел - почиства порите в дълбочина и се бори с несъвършенствата. При употреба като скраб - премахва мъртвите кожни клетки, а като маска - намалява блясъка и матира кожата. Формулата е обогатена с био мента, която притежава противовъзпалителни, успокояващи, антимикробни и почистващи свойства. Тя осигурява охлаждащо и освежаващо ... |
Специалистите на "Bell" ви предлагат дълготраен и устойчив тинт за устни. Леката кремоообразна текстура оставя интензивно цветно покритие, което се запазва с часове върху устните. Специалният плосък апликатор осигурява лесно и прецизно нанасяне. Формулата съдържа 92% съставки с натурален произход*. Тя е обогатена с екстракт от диня, който действа хидратиращо и освежаващо. Вложени са хиалуронова киселина и глицерин, които помагат за задържане на влагата в кожата и я правят мека, гладка и еластична. Добавеното масло от слънчоглед действа успокояващо и подхранващо. Дълготрайният тинт от серията " ... |